Stolarek et al: Genetic history of East-Central Europe... (3,989 replies)
The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans (3,641 replies)
E-V13 - Theories on its Origin and New Data (2,160 replies)
Genetic history of the Slavs (1,903 replies)
Albanian Discussion Thread (1,082 replies)
If there are studies with data that hasnt been converted to G25 provide them here (926 replies)
An attempt at deep West Eurasian phylogeny (914 replies)
The Origin of R1b-P312 Bell Beaker (806 replies)
R1b-L51 in Yamnaya: Lazaridis 2024 (753 replies)
Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder (720 replies)
About Proto-Germanic (684 replies)
Germanic art, artefacts and runes, BC-AD; news & discussion (590 replies)
Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (DISCUSSION ONLY) (522 replies)
Native Americans from the USA and Canada (501 replies)
The Origin of R1b-L21 (475 replies)
Stolarek et al: Genetic history of East-Central Europe... (413,462 views)
The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans (283,262 views)
E-V13 - Theories on its Origin and New Data (151,502 views)
Genetic history of the Slavs (138,038 views)
Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (TITLES/ABSTRACTS) (130,097 views)
Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (DISCUSSION ONLY) (117,896 views)
If there are studies with data that hasnt been converted to G25 provide them here (100,615 views)
An attempt at deep West Eurasian phylogeny (77,157 views)
Albanian Discussion Thread (72,573 views)
Ancient I1 samples list and discussion (54,728 views)
Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder (53,668 views)
About Proto-Germanic (53,343 views)
Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages (50,436 views)
R1b-L51 in Yamnaya: Lazaridis 2024 (46,490 views)
J2b-L283 (39,140 views)