(06-07-2024, 08:45 AM)szin Wrote: I was just going by Wiki articles of notable indigenous NW Athabaskans in Canada. These people were either explicitly described as part-Euro or phenotypically appeared mixed (I know phenotype is a hot button issue here as it was on the last forum, but if they were full-blooded they probably wouldn't look pred. Euro).
There are even many mixed Inuits but this mixing happened in the 20th and 21st centuries, not earlier. Before that there were no Whites in Nunavut.
I even found a 1/2 Inuit 1/2 Black woman on GEDmatch, her:
^^^ Her Eurogenes K36 results:
Kit number: A022751
Amerindian 17.33 Pct
Arabian -
Armenian -
Basque -
Central_African -
Central_Euro -
East_African 4.00 Pct
East_Asian -
East_Balkan -
East_Central_Asian -
East_Central_Euro -
East_Med -
Eastern_Euro 3.88 Pct
Fennoscandian -
French -
Iberian -
Indo-Chinese -
Italian -
Malayan -
Near_Eastern -
North_African -
North_Atlantic -
North_Caucasian -
North_Sea -
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy 2.95 Pct
Siberian 33.23 Pct
South_Asian -
South_Central_Asian 0.65 Pct
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural -
West_African 37.95 Pct
West_Caucasian -
West_Med -
K36 nMonte Mixed Mode:
And her Mixed Mode Population Sharing in Eurogenes K15:
North_Sea -
Atlantic -
Baltic 0.32 Pct
Eastern_Euro 6.73 Pct
West_Med -
West_Asian -
East_Med 0.35 Pct
Red_Sea -
South_Asian 2.54 Pct
Southeast_Asian 3.77 Pct
Siberian 20.76 Pct
Amerindian 21.56 Pct
Oceanian -
Northeast_African 2.44 Pct
Sub-Saharan 41.53 Pct
# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 56.8% West_Greenlander + 43.2% Yoruban @ 2.64
2 54.8% West_Greenlander + 45.2% Mandenka @ 3.02
3 54.1% West_Greenlander + 45.9% Bantu_S.W. @ 4.75
4 52.9% East_Greenlander + 47.1% Mandenka @ 5.05
5 53.6% West_Greenlander + 46.4% Bantu_S.E. @ 5.67
6 52.1% East_Greenlander + 47.9% Bantu_S.W. @ 5.84
7 54.9% East_Greenlander + 45.1% Yoruban @ 6.02
8 51.6% East_Greenlander + 48.4% Bantu_S.E. @ 6.39