In “The deep population history of northern East Asia from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene”, the Chukotko-Kamchatkan Itelmen population was predominantly formed of two components (except for a tiny amount of the third component in a few male and female individuals, connected to ancient East Asians):
[1] The major brown/orange component. At some point, such a component reached 100% in mtDNA M8’CZ/yDNA C2-M217 ancient AR10-13K individuals. In “Human genetic history on the Tibetan Plateau in the past 5100 years”, mtDNA M8’CZ-related specimens have an affinity to the yDNA K2a* Ust’-Ishim, which means that mtDNA M8’CZ is one of those Ust’-Ishim-affiliated lineages, while indigenous Australians showed an affinity to Ust’-Ishim in “The deep population history of northern East Asia from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene”, and, surprisingly, Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages clustered as an outgroup to Australian languages in Jager, 2017 (“From words to features to trees: Computing a world tree of languages from word lists”).
[2] The lesser pink component. This component is maximized in a ca. 33000-year-old AR33K individual of the Amur(Heilongjiang) River basin. On the one hand, AR33K is a female mtDNA N-related individual, hence such a component has something to do with an ancient female mtDNA N-related population, which should have been very likely to include the deeply diverged mtDNA A2 clade (the TMRCA of mtDNA A is 33700 years ago in “A Revised Timescale for Human Evolution Based on Ancient Mitochondrial Genomes”, while yDNA C2-L1373 separated ca. 34100 years ago). On the other hand, in the same article, AR33K is closer, than Tianyuan was, to Vestonice16 (western yDNA C1a), Karelia_hunter-gatherer (western yDNA R), Motala12, Sweden (western yDNA I2a), which implies that the linguistic cluster in Jager, 2017, which includes as outgroups languages of populations with a more and more prominent “AR33K-like” component, is opposed to the main East Asian cluster, because consequent outgroups of this “AR33K-related” cluster (for example, Eskimo-Aleut languages) have stronger and stronger connections to languages of bearers of ancestries, which shared more and more in common with the mentioned Paleolithic Europeans.
As for the additional joining of some Sepik languages, related to the Sepik Papi language, etc, in Jager, 2017 (the Sepic Papi language clustered with the Japanese language in Jager, 2017), there is not much ethnogenetic meaning to it. The materials of “Human genetic history on the Tibetan Plateau in the past 5100 years” defend the genetic composition of Eastern Eurasians without such components.
As for the appearance of mtDNA A2 in Japan, it should be at least historically important.
“Ancient Mitogenomes Reveal the Origins and Genetic Structure of the Neolithic Shimao Population in Northern China” points to the following case of mtDNA A2:
Japanese_HGDP00770 Japanese Japanese Japan Japan HGDP00770 mtDNA A2 (yDNA R1b-M73 (R-Y13200)) Cann et al., 2002
The basal mtDNA A2 has not been observed in the prominent Mongol individuals so far, but was observed in Native Americans. Indeed, this individual was relabeled a Native American, but his presence in Japan as a Japanese may point to migration and backmigration of the Japanese people to and from America during the recent historical period.
HGDP-CEPH Diversity Panel: Atypical Individuals
HGDP-CEPH ID Initial reported population Genotypes suggest Reporting Lab Comments
HGDP00770 Japanese Native American Rosenberg Science 298:2381
Nonetheless, the European cases of yDNA R1b-M73 are very rare in America, which means that this yDNA R1b-M73 branch of HGDP00770 might be considered the one of a Japanese origin, which probably explains the desire to report this individual in a few scientific institutions. Hammer et al, 2006, points to Okinawa, unrelated to Mongols, where yDNA R-M207 was found in Japan as the only non-Eastern Eurasian haplogroup.