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Chinese GEDmatch averages thread [repost]
Updated Illustrative DNA ancient models for the G25 Han Chinese province (capital city) subgroups:

Han (Shanxi): 91.6% Yellow River Neolithic, 0.0% SEA Neolithic, 0.2% AASI, 0.6% E_Siberian HG, 0.0% Caucasus HG, 1.4% Anatolian Neolithic, 6.6% Mongolian HG, 0.2% Melanesian
Han (Henan): 94.8% Yellow River Neolithic, 0.0% SEA Neolithic, 0.0% AASI, 0.6% E_Siberian HG, 1.4% Caucasus HG, 3.2% Mongolian HG
Han (Shandong): 97.2% Yellow River Neolithic, 0.0% SEA Neolithic, 1.2% AASI, 1.6% E_Siberian HG

Han (Shanghai): 93.8% Yellow River Neolithic, 5.6% SEA Neolithic, 0.4% AASI, 0.2% Caucasus HG
Han (Beijing): 92.0% Yellow River Neolithic, 7.4% SEA Neolithic, 0.6% E_Siberian HG

Han (Jiangsu): 94.2% Yellow River Neolithic, 5.8% SEA Neolithic
Han (Zhejiang): 87.6% Yellow River Neolithic, 12.4% SEA Neolithic
Han (Hubei): 85.8% Yellow River Neolithic, 14.2% SEA Neolithic
Han (Sichuan): 81.4% Yellow River Neolithic, 18.6% SEA Neolithic
Han (Chongqing): 77.0% Yellow River Neolithic, 23.0% SEA Neolithic
Han (Fujian): 74.8% Yellow River Neolithic, 25.2% SEA Neolithic
Han (Guangdong): 62.5% Yellow River Neolithic, 37.5% SEA Neolithic

The northern Chinese reference population models all lack SEA Neolithic, while the southern Chinese reference population models are all 2-way admixture models between Yellow River Neolithic (Neolithic Northern China) and SEA Neolithic (Bronze Age Vietnam). The Shanghai G25 sample resembles the Jiangsu G25 sample autosomally but shows similar signs of "Silk Road" admixture as the Northern Han G25 samples, albeit to a much lower degree. Oddly enough, the Beijing G25 sample is both more southern-shifted than the Shanghai sample due to being more cosmopolitan, but without the signs of Silk Road admixture that you'd expect considering Beijing's location in northern China and history as a capital during long periods of non-Han rule. This makes me think "Beijing" is really CHB from 1000 Genomes- the sample of university students in Beijing who generally aren't Beijing natives.

For comparison, here are my updated results:
okarinaofsteiner: 92.0% Yellow River Neolithic, 5.2% SEA Neolithic, 1.8% E_Siberian HG, 0.6% S_America HG, 0.4% Melanesian
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