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Q-FTF30: Interesting clade!
Have you all noticed Q-FTF30? Bet you haven't! I just kind of stumble-bummed across it while looking at some R1b-M73 hunter-gatherer results from Zvejnieki in Latvia. Among those HGs was one who was Q-FTF30. Wow! Never noticed that before.

Then I noticed another Q-FTF30 result in FTDNA Discover's Ancient Connections: not only Kunda in Latvia, but also Funnel Beaker in Denmark. Then there are a bunch that are derived for Q-Y2700, one step upstream of Q-FTF30, including stuff from North Central Asia and Ertebølle in Denmark.

One thing that is really good about this hobby: there is always new stuff to learn. 

It amazes me how little I really know.

[Image: Q-FTF30-Zvejknieki3-from-Ancient-Connections.jpg]
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1
Definitely interesting, here also at YFull:
But it split from living ones approx 18kya. Seems they died out without trace.
But in general the Y2700 group leads down to a few rare Q subgroups of Eastern Europe and also the Nordic L527.
I assume Q guys conquered Western Eurasia the same way as they passed into the Americas right after LGM, but in Europe they remained sparse and were wiped out / outnumbered by incoming Mesolithic HGs and Neolithic farmers, but a few were lucky to enter the PIE migrations gene pool
Y-DNA: R1b-U152>Z36>BY1328>L671 (Late Roman North Italy to Pannonia)
mtDNA: U4c1 (Proto-IE > Germanic/Scandinavian branch?)
maternal grandpa Y: G2a-L13>L1263>Z38846 (Saxons to Hungary)
maternal grandpa mtDNA: B4c1a (Hungarian conquerors)
maternal grandma's Y: R1b-U106>S5520>BY33291 (Saxons to Hungary)
paternal grandpa's mtDNA: HV0
paternal grandma's mtDNA: H5a (Slavic)

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