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GenArchivist members, welcome!
Hello all! 
As all of you might know, the poll to choose our final destination was closed yesterday, the new site won with 99 votes against 14 of the members that wanted to stay in the old one. 47 members voted that either place is good for them. That means we can unpack now, the migration has ended.
Now, I come with my "more personal" account and by the name most of you already know me to thank you all for believing in the GenArchivist project. 
A special thanks goes to all staff members that are helping me maintain the forum, without you, this wouldn't be possible. AimSmall, Anglesqueville, Rober, Sailcius and Rufus that has been helping me since the beginning.
For the members that wanted to stay in the old forum, please reach out to me or any of the staff listing the things you enjoyed there better, and we will be working hard to make the new site the best home for everyone. 
As for the notifications/alerts issue, I am working on it and get it functional is my priority for now. 
And remember: if you want any of your posts from the old forum, you can DM me or other moderators about it, as nothing in the old forum was deleted. 
For the following days we will be having a few events, one of them being the Logo contest, where members will be submitting artworks and the most suitable one is going to be GenArchivist's official logo. Another thread about the rules will be opened in the future. 
Thank you, again! And for now, let's keep the discussions going.
Thanks for creating this forum. It's a joy. Seriously.
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1

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