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We also have traditions in the new world. Between 1870 and 1970 around 25 million Italians arrived in Brazil, many of them from the north side of Italy.
Here, facing many struggles and difficulties they found ways to entertain themselves and keep the good spirit. The song "La Bella Polenta" was born between these immigrants and soon became a traditional folk song about planting, collection and manufacturing the corn into making the Italian dish Polenta. If you are in Brazil and you had the privilege of having a nonna, you most certainly heard her singing this song while making Polenta, and of course, tasted her delicious food.
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(07-07-2024, 06:07 PM)Æsir Wrote: Traditional Finnish wedding ceremonies.
Nice videos.
Here's an accurate presentation of a rusyn marriage from a movie, and a hungarian weddig from the Eastern Carpathians. They all have some common elements.
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(07-07-2024, 06:32 PM)Æsir Wrote:
This tradition was common all across Europe. In Hungary this event was called leányvásár (literally girl-market).
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(07-07-2024, 09:47 PM)Albruic Wrote: We also have traditions in the new world. Between 1870 and 1970 around 25 million Italians arrived in Brazil, many of them from the north side of Italy.
Here, facing many struggles and difficulties they found ways to entertain themselves and keep the good spirit. The song "La Bella Polenta" was born between these immigrants and soon became a traditional folk song about planting, collection and manufacturing the corn into making the Italian dish Polenta. If you are in Brazil and you had the privilege of having a nonna, you most certainly heard her singing this song while making Polenta, and of course, tasted her delicious food.
I think this food is called 'puliszka' here which is the same as the romanian mamaliga. It's popular in Transylvania, in Hungary it's not a common dish, I actually never had it but I'm sure it worths a try.
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The summer solstice was not long ago. In Eastern Europe older pagan traditions were incorporated into the feast of John the Baptist. The solstice was a time for love magic, purification rituals and fortune telling. In Hungary jumping over fire is the most iconic tradition related to this feast, though -just like many other traditions- it was probably adopted from the slavs. It was believed that jumping over the fire can absolve people from sins it can also bring good luck and make women fertile. But most importantly it was used as a love ritual which helps to bond the lovers together. The chants which accompanied the jumping were also the part of the love ritual, their purpose was to bind the couples. What are your summer solstice traditions?
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Whereas old Japanese scriptures imply that people, whose “mythical” ancestors were once born on the Japanese Archipelago in a mythical way, may want to return there, in the Kojiki scripture, there also exists the Sado Island, the description of which is devoid of any additions, which would imply that mythical human ancestors could have ever been born on that island. Consequently, various mythical animal ancestors may be thought to “originate” and “reincarnate” there in a mythical way. The Sado Island had become the island of exile for inconvenient Japanese figures.
Sado Wildlife in Focus | The Surprising Way Crested Ibis Cope with Summer Heat
By Fumie Oyama
“Do Birds Pant?”
“Just like dogs that pant with open mouths when hot, crested ibis open their beaks and take repeated shallow breaths to lower their body temperature. This behavior is called panting.”
According to the study “Japanese wolves are most closely related to dogs and share DNA with East Eurasian dogs”, “we found that the degree of genome introgression from the Japanese wolf lineage to dogs was the highest in dingoes and NGSDs (5.5%) followed by Japanese dogs (3–4%), as well as in dogs of other East Eurasian lineages (Fig. 3A). In contrast, genomic introgression from dogs to the Japanese wolf genome was not supported”.
According to "Ancient Mitogenomes Reveal the Maternal Genetic History of East Asian Dogs", “sub-haplogroup A1b is a main lineage of ancient dogs in East Asia (...). The younger individual from Jingtoushan (approximately 5.9 ka BP) belongs to sub-haplogroup A1b and is basal to all other A1b lineages (A1b1, A1b2, A1b3, and A1b4), suggesting that it might originate from the ancestral population of sub-haplogroup A1b.” That is, the individual from Jingtoushan might originate from the ancient dog population, that contributed to main lineages of East Asian dogs, including mtDNA A1b4 dingoes as well.
Surprisingly, the Jingtoushan site was located on the territory, where the rice farming Liangzhu culture later developed, and the Liangzhu culture-affiliated populations, which contributed to the Austronesian speakers, including minor endangered Austronesian populations, are thought to have introduced rice farming to the North as well, at least as far as the Korean Peninsula.
According to the IVPP data, the language of the pre-O-M122*-related population of yDNA O-M175* was likely the source for the Sinitic-like loanword for “human elder” in some minor languages, and this Sinitic-like loanword for “human elder”, inspired by the proto-image of Fu Xi, the progenitor of humanity in Chinese mythology, appeared similar to their indigenous word for the Sky, distantly resembling the Proto-Austronesian word /*laŋits-/ “the sky”, and the combined idea of “celestial beings” as “celestial human elders” appeared. Consequently, all spirits, even the ones, becoming the origin of earthly phenomena and earthly beings, should have had celestial human spirits as prototypes in such a mythology.
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According to the new IVPP article “Lake-centered sedentary lifestyle of early Tibetan Plateau Indigenous populations at high elevation 4,400 years ago”, the new ancient complex population in Mabu Co was found. According to the article, its neighbouring location is Gala Co, the sounding of the /Gala/ element of which already resembles the sounding of the name of the Karuo site, the location of which was also shown in the article, while the name of the Karuo site already reminds the /Austronesian/+/Kara/-related ethnic name “Takaraian”, whose bearers should have also had the genetic connection to the Tibetan Plateau in accordance with the IVPP data. Another similar name is the name of the Takara Islands of Japan. The article “Lake-centered sedentary lifestyle of early Tibetan Plateau Indigenous populations at high elevation 4,400 years ago” identified the connection of the Kara-related component to the ancient Xiaojingshan “association of individuals”, in which only the mtDNA B4c1c ancient individual of Xiaojingshan was suitable to carry such an ancient “mainstream Homo Sapiens” component in accordance with the earlier "Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago", and only mtDNA B4c1c ancient individual of Xiaojingshan, being connected through mtDNA B4 to some of Austronesian ancestors, was suitable enough to form such a /Austronesian/+/Kara/-related ethnic name, as /Takara/, which resurfaced in Japan, to which mtDNA B4c1c individuals migrated. The evolution of /Kara/ in the name of the Gala Co locality, mentioned in “Lake-centered sedentary lifestyle of early Tibetan Plateau Indigenous populations at high elevation 4,400 years ago”, phonetically more resembles the known part /*kal-/ in the Nihali language isolate’s word for “human person” (though the “non-isolate” Nihali-Basque linguistic subcluster existed in Jager, 2015 (“Support for linguistic macrofamilies from weighted sequence alignment”), the morphemes of words for humans in the Basque language isolate more resemble the word /*gi/ of the Sumerian language isolate, when it functions as a part of Sumerian ethnic names).
Beautiful Harvest Moon Lights Up Japan's Cities for the Perfect Shot
An aircraft crosses in front of the Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon. Kawasaki City, Kawasaki Ward. (©Sankei by Kazuya Kamogawa)
On September 17, Japan celebrated the Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon, which falls on the 15th day of the 8th month in the traditional lunisolar calendar. Traditionally, the moon is considered especially beautiful at this time.
That evening, people across Tokyo, Osaka, and many other cities ventured out to admire the moon. In Kawasaki City, near Haneda Airport, a surreal scene unfolded as an airplane crossed paths with the large, glowing moon.
Returning to the Mabu Co location, it was mentioned that one of the genetic connections of this ancient population is the ancient yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related Qihe population. In "Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago", the Qihe individual had the connection to ancient individuals, related to the Mảng population. The Mảng language is known to retain the plain form /meː6/ as a part, which bears the meaning /the Moon/, when it is used in the set expression for the formation of words for celestial bodies in the Mảng language. Despite the fact that the Mảng are the Austroasiatic people (for example the Vietnamese are an Austroasiatic people as well), having the connection to yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related Qihe population, the Vietnamese article “The first maternal genetic study of hunter-gatherers from Vietnam” preferred to have caused the dissociation of the ancient yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related Qihe individual from the regular Vietnamese population. Nonetheless, a distant relative for the word /meː6/ as a part, which bears the meaning /the Moon/, exists in the Chinese language., which suggests the ancient commonality of the words of yDNA O-M122 and yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related populations. The Mảng themselves were the ethnic group that worshiped the Moon. It is quite possible that the yDNA O1b1-related population, whose individuals belonged to the deeply diverged branch of yDNA O1b1, which separated 24000 years ago and is attested in the area of that Plateau, had the ethnic name, related to the Moon, and left this /Ma-/ part in the /Mabu/ compound of the Mabu Co name. The new IVPP article “Lake-centered sedentary lifestyle of early Tibetan Plateau Indigenous populations at high elevation 4,400 years ago” lists a lineages of the the MaBu Co E1 group (mtDNA G3b2) that had contributed to the La Wa population in accordance with “Ancient Mitogenomes Reveal the Origins and Genetic Structure of the Neolithic Shimao Population in Northern China”. Indeed, in a language of the La Wa, the phonetic process of denazalization was inferred to have existed in the past, consequently, the formation of the /Wa/ component of the /La Wa/ ethnic name may have happened due to the denazalization process /m/>/v/ (that is, /Ma/>/Va/>/Wa/) . Thus, it is quite possible that the Wa ancestors of the La Wa were initially called /Ma/ before the sound changes, and they were once members of the ca. 24000-year-old yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related “Qihe-related” population, whose name /*Ma/ was related to the notion of the Moon, while the deep ancestors of the Moon-worshipping Mảng people represent the alternative remain of such a population, which started to distributed ca. 19000 years ago in “Ancient genomes reveal the complex genetic history of Prehistoric Eurasian modern humans”.
Additionally, the article "Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago" showed that of the ca. 24000-year-old yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related “Qihe-related” population contributed to ancestors of the Japan Jomon population of islanders, even though yDNA O1b*/O1b1 is nowhere to be found in the realm of yDNA D-M64-related Jomon. There is a hypothesis that the tribe of the /Ama/ (“admixed Ma”?, that is, the Ma, who had been mixing with the “Jomon-related” population), some of whose modern descendants might have been the /ama/ divers, was more widespread on the Japanese Archipelago in the past. If the initially Moon-worshipping yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related /Ama/ population had mixed with the /Yi/-related population, in the name of which /Yi/ meant /the Sun/, then the name of the combined /Yi+Ama/ population would have been quite close to the name /Yamato/, the importance of which had grown in ancient Japan. Since the word /Yi/, meaning /the Sun/, had to phonetically evolve as /*pi/>/*p(h)i/>/*hi/>/*yi/, then it is quite possible that if the 38100-year-old population (which separated to the “Yi” region just after 38100 years ago in "Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago") contained some died-out members, who started to name themselves /*Bu/ under the influence of the 41900-year-old population, unlike their surviving /Ba/ relatives, then their name /*Bu/ had had to evolve in the same manner (/*Bu/>/*B(h)u/>/*Hu/>/*Wu/, and the compound name of the /Yi/+/Wu/ population would have been /*Yū/, and the autosomal component of this population was transmitted via Southeast China and via some Japanese-related individuals (the ones, which were unrelated to the Japan Jomon population) to the north to the area of the future Jilin Province and future Kingdom of Puyo (that is, the Kingdom of Fuyu (also known as /Puyo/ or /Buyeo/)) during the Paleolithic period. If some of the died-out Bu had waited for a longer period, being located somewhat closer to their surviving /Ba/ relatives of the vicinity of the Hainan Island, the members of this part of the ancient /Bu/ people would have joined the population of makers of boat-shaped and prismatic microblades of China, which clustered with the Japanese in Mao et al, 2021 (the Japanese, who were more closely related to the Kyushu Island). According to Mao et al, 2021, later on, such a Japan-related population, having mixed with some “microblade-related” female ancestors of some of yDNA O1b2-47z-related individuals, contributed the component, which was not directly related to yDNA N-CTS582-related population, to the ancient specimen of Boshan, this contributed component being related to the mtDNA G3b2 contribution to the Mabu Co specimens of “Lake-centered sedentary lifestyle of early Tibetan Plateau Indigenous populations at high elevation 4,400 years ago”. The appearance of this component may have caused the appearance of the /Bu/ part in the /Mabu/ compound of the Mabu Co name. Additionally, in "Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago", the 8200-year-old Boshan had the genetic contribution to the younger Avar-related part of the population, related to the Kingdom of Puyo (Buyeo) of the future Jilin Province of China, which implies that /Pu/ in /Puyo/ (/Buyeo/) might have been distantly related to /Bu/ in /MaBu Co/. Similarly, the rare yDNA O1b2-P49-related individual of China also has the connection to ancient Boshan in "Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago". One shoud recall that the known medieval name of Japan日本 “Nihon” (the Land of the Rising Sun) originated from the post-Old Chinese 日本 “Nyit Pwon” (literally “Sun (Nyit) Origin (Pwon)”). Which name of the ethinic group (Bu/Pu-related) the 本 Pwon element concealed in this late literary name of the Japanese country?
Interestingly, in “Lake-centered sedentary lifestyle of early Tibetan Plateau Indigenous populations at high elevation 4,400 years ago”, the Mabu Co series, whose individuals developed on the substratum of yDNA O1b*/O1b1-related potential “Ma” Moon worshippers and Japan-Shandong “Bu-related” persons, who might once potentially have included yDNA O1b2 individuals among their members, was shown to have some connections to the Shimao_LN population (which points to the route at the margin of North China for relevant migrations), where there is a deeply diverged mtDNA M80’D member (mtDNA M80’D is a lineage, discovered in Japan Jomon as well), and a 4300-year-old pyramid was finally built, having some human sacrifices, though the age of 4300 years should be considered much younger than the age of possible migrations, connecting Japan and Western Eurasia.
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10-11-2024, 12:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-11-2024, 01:06 AM by FR9CZ6.)
Traditional music of the Ismailis from Tajikistan. The Ismailis mainly inhabit the Gorno-Badakshan region of Tajikistan in the Pamir mountains and they have a distinct musical tradition.
Perhaps I wouldn't define it as a folk music, but I wanted to share this masterpiece from the people who descend in large part from the Sogdians, and who might have the closest genetic affinity to the ancient Indo-Iranian people including the scytho-sarmatians.
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While we're increasingly immersing into this computerized, AI society in the west,
meanwhile in Chechnya probably, somewhere in the North Caucasus, a group of men are doing some kind of spiritual, tribalistic dance ritual like it's nobody's business.
Great cardio workout btw
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(01-15-2025, 07:24 AM)Fartcoin Wrote: While we're increasingly immersing into this computerized, AI society in the west,
meanwhile in Chechnya probably, somewhere in the North Caucasus, a group of men are doing some kind of spiritual, tribalistic dance ritual like it's nobody's business.
Great cardio workout btw
Great sense of rhythm! And yeah it must exhausting, it's impressive they're doing it barefeet, for an hour or even more. It's a Sufi hadra ritual, they praise Allah and aim to experience his presence by reaching an altered state of mind. Hadra is practiced around the Islamic world, though the ritual itself varies, and it's mostly present in regions where Sufism had a more significant influence.
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