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A thread for Ancient DF19 samples ... we're up to 16
D'oh!  Next time I'll try to remember to add this one-too late to edit now.  I wish we could get it officially verified (or debunked) :,0
MX259 - Anselfingen (D) R-BY61838 (R1b) K1a3a 4246 Germany - Anselfingen FN/Bell Beaker Baden Mean Age (ybp): 4246 (about 2300 BCE)
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
Another one from the east, and he's a Z302!  I have many questions, and details are scant at the moment.  Buried in a small Avar(?) cemetery along with I1, U106, N and more:

MGS231; Moedling, Austria; Avar Period; R1b-DF19>Z302* (xFT11655,Z39292)

This site is less than a 7 hour walk south of Klosterneuburg (<30km), but Klosterneuburg R10657 was DF88>>>Z17112, so no obvious connection.  Also this one seems to be centuries later.
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
Going back through materials and I think PCA0299 is misdated in its spreadsheet and FTDNA has copied over this mistake.  There is no c14 date.  The spreadsheet says "1000-1200AD" but the actual supplement text reads:
Quote:The early medieval cemetery in Groszowice (now part of Opole, Opole voivodeship) was discovered in 1957 during the mining of limestone rocks. About 20 graves were destroyed then. The same year, rescue research was carried out at the site, which resulted in another 38 skeletal graves being uncovered. The row cemetery was located on a small hill made of sand and limestone, located a short distance to the north of Groszowice. The dead were buried in oval (often) or square (seldom) pits with flat bottoms and of depth ranging from 0.1 m to 0.35 m. The skeletons rested on their back with the arms stretched out along the side of the body. All graves were situated along an east-west axis, with most of the dead facing west. Relatively rich equipment was discovered in the cemetery. In as many as 13 burials various items, rarely found individually, were recorded. These were ornaments (temple rings; ceramic, metal, amber, and glass beads, including entire necklaces; rings; kaptorga; bell) and everyday objects (knives, flints, and a wooden bucket). The chronology of the cemetery was set at the 10th and 11th centuries.

So that's 900-1100AD. 
Also see
Quote:At the burial ground in Opole-Groszowice, the graves were oriented along an east-west axis, in which the head was oriented to the east. In the other cemeteries, it was a general rule that the dead bodies had been buried along an east-west axis. This rule is connected with the Christian funeral rite in Early Medieval Poland (Zoll-Adamikowa 1971, 39). During the research in Opole-Groszowice, an assortment of valuable accessories were found inside the graves. They were equipped with West Slavic jewelry (for example, temple rings, rings, glass beads, amber beads, bronze bells), as well as everyday items (e.g., knives, flints, iron awls, buckets, iron buckles). The unique early medieval pendant was an integral part of a necklace with amber and glass beads found in grave no. 38. In this burial of a woman of the age of maturus, an amulet with a bas-relief was also found placed on her right hand (Urbańska 1958; 1959, 165-189; Miśkiewicz 1969, 288; Wachowski 1975, 108-109). It was dated to between the middle of the 10th century to the third quarter of the 11th cent. (Holz 2005, 106).

So that's ~950-1075AD but not specifically to his grave.

Looks more Swedish than Polish or Slavic in general:
Distance to: 1000-1200_AD_Groszowice_PCA0299: PCA0299
0.06293255 Sweden_IA.SG
0.06404952 Estonia_EarlyViking.SG
0.06546503 Sweden_Viking.SG
0.06566274 Sweden_Late_N.SG
0.06573032 Greenland_EarlyNorse.SG
0.06628535 Germany_EarlyMedieval.SG
0.06652884 Denmark_IA.SG
0.06655011 England_EarlyMedieval_Saxon.SG
0.06665973 Germany_Hiddestorf_Saxon_EMedieval
0.06694399 Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture_Roman.SG
0.06713778 Netherlands_Friesland_Saxon_Medieval.SG
0.06795554 IsleOfMan_Viking.SG
0.06821418 England_Saxon.SG
0.06840555 Ukraine_Viking.SG
0.06864027 Norway_Viking.SG
0.06864064 Denmark_Viking.SG
0.06875948 Denmark_Zealand_Saxon_Medieval
0.06891977 Germany_Issendorf_Saxon_EMedieval
0.06895400 England_EarlyMedieval_Saxon_oSteppe
0.06898764 Sweden_IA_2.SG
Riverman, JonikW, Strider99 And 2 others like this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
(10-14-2024, 11:47 PM)Dewsloth Wrote: Another one from the east, and he's a Z302!  I have many questions, and details are scant at the moment.  Buried in a small Avar(?) cemetery along with I1, U106, N and more:

MGS231; Moedling, Austria; Avar Period; R1b-DF19>Z302* (xFT11655,Z39292)

This site is less than a 7 hour walk south of Klosterneuburg (<30km), but Klosterneuburg R10657 was DF88>>>Z17112, so no obvious connection.  Also this one seems to be centuries later.

According to TheYTree, MGS231 is Z8193, which it then shares with (Saxon-like?) R31 from ~400CE Mausoleo di Augusto in Rome.  
Burials are reasonably close in time, but the shared SNP is from ~2100 BCE so no obvious recent link there, either:
Mitchell-Atkins and JonikW like this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
(10-10-2024, 10:00 PM)New adds and edits in bold Wrote: I5748 2579-2211 calBCE Oostwoud, Noord-Holland DF19>Z302* (mtDNA X2b4*) Aceramic Single Grave/Beaker Beaker
I13028 2456-2141 calBCE Ottoland-Kromme, Zuid-Holland DF19>DF88* (mtDNA H3v+16093) Barbed Wire Beaker Beaker
MX259 2300 BCE Anselfingen, Germany DF19>DF88>BY61838 (mtDNA K1a3a) FN/Bell Beaker 
NEO52 1816 BCE Vattenledningen, Skåne, Sweden M269+ manual: DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149>Z17125>Z17123 LN LN unconfirmed/unconfirmable
I26830 1620-1311 calBCE Wervershoof-Zwaagdijk, Noord-Holland DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281 (mtDNA H1a) NLD_MBA/Tumulus/Sögel-Wohlde Elp
I17607 800-550 BCE Louny, Stradonice, Czech Republic DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281  Czech_IA_Hallstatt C or D Hallstatt
----------[ Cremation Era Sad  Sad ]----------------------
------------------Teutoburg Forest 9CE -------------------------------------
R10657 26 - 126 calCE Klosterneuburg, Austria DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>S9287/Z27257 Batavi Auxiliary Roman Horse Burial
-------------------Roman Conquest of Britain 43-87 CE ------------------------
------------------- Batavi Revolt 69-70 CE ----------------------------
CGG107761 CL013 (I037) 50 calBCE - 250 calCE Netherlands South-Holland Valkenburg Marktveld Roman Cemetery DF19>DF88 (mtDNA K1a3a1)  unknown IronAge Roman
CGG107763 CL006 (I079) 125 - 233 calCE Netherlands South-Holland Valkenburg Marktveld Roman Cemetery DF19>DF88 (mtDNA U5a2c1) unknown IronAge Roman
CGG019200  64-235 CE Denmark Jutland Illerup  DF19>Z302 (mtNDA T2b) weapon_sacrifice_site bog_skeleton
MIJ-1 120-226 CE  Igási Járandó, Hungary DF19>Z302 (mtDNA H2a2b) Sarmatian, Early-Middle Sarmatian
6DT23 c.250 CE Driffield Terrace, York, England DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>S17075>Z43034 (mtDNA H6a1b2) Roman Britain Auxiliary? Roman Horse Burial
FEN012  40-400 CE Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire, England DF19 (mtDNA J1c1b) Unknown, Roman
HVN001 200-400 CE Häven, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany L151+ 2xAutomated read: P312>DF19>Z302>FT292232>FT11655>Z35675 Warini? Unconfirmed/unconfirmable
RKF263 100-500 CE? Rákóczifalva, Hungary DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112 (mtDNA H) Sarmatian ally? Langobard/Goth descendant?  Sarmatian Period
RMPR31 400 CE Mausoleo di Augusto, Rome DF19>Z302>FT292232>FT11655>Z8193>BY3448>Z39459 (mtDNA K1c1*) Unknown Roman/Migration
HID001 530 CE Hiddestorf, Germany DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>BY107827 Saxons, Franks or Thuringians? Migration Elite Germanic Horse Burial
HID002 530 CE Hiddestorf, Germany DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281 (mtDNA H15a1) Saxons, Franks or Thuringians? Migration Elite Germanic Horse Burial
I20271 400-700 CE Girona, Pla de l'Horta, Spain  DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112 (mtDNA H55b) Visigoth Migration
IND002 400-800 CE Alt-Inden, North Rhine, Westphalia, Germany DF19>Z302>Z39292 (mtDNA V3c) Franks? Migration
MGS231 650? Moedling, Austria; Avar Period; DF19>Z302>FT11655>Z8193 (xFT11655,Z39292)
KOS017  651-774 CE Koksijde, Belgium DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>Z27257>Z43277>Z43258>Z43261>Z43468 (mtDNA U4b1a3a) Saxon +Gaul? Migration/ME
KOS016  671-822 CE Koksijde, Belgium DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>Z21380>BY42641>L719>Z30475 (mtDNA HV0a) Saxon+Gaul?Migration/ME 
I17277 600-900 CE Hartlepool, Olive St, Durham, England DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>S17075>S10067 (mtDNA K2a6) Saxon? Migration/ME
VK333 885 ± 69 CE Vickleby, Oland, Sweden DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149>Z17125>Z17123>Z29034 (mtDNA H2a2a1) Viking Viking
PCA0299 900-1100 CE Groszowice, Opole, Poland DF19>DF88 (mtDNA K1a) Unknown ME
OLV072 1100 CE  Sint-Truiden, Belgium DF19>DF88>FGC11833>S4281>S4268>Z17112>PH3649  (mtDNA H1b) Local Lotharingian/Frank
Added two confirmed [?], one unconfirmable.  The rest are edits/corrections.
faulconer likes this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
From the McColl update, I pulled the groupings they listed for included DF19 samples.  
They left out both Hiddestorf DF19s, and miss Klosterneuburg paper and anything later other than the McColl paper's own samples Sad  

Interesting shift to South Scandinavian/Corded Ware North by the Roman era.  Perhaps the absorbing of an older IA "Frisian" population into the Germanic Jutland/Lower Saxony populations? Or just the spread of DF19 north from the BA>IA?

I5748.olalde_2018_nature I5748 I5748 Noord-Holland, Oostwoud, De Tuithoorn Netherlands WesternEurope Netherlands_BellBeaker 52.733563 5.1 olalde_2018_nature NA NA NA 4383ybp Direct: IntCal20 XY X2b4 2579-2211 calBCE (3945 +- 55 BP, GrN-6650C) R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2 R1b-P312 0.353 5.094 0.995 0.983172576 43983251 1085103 yes
0_2_1_4_5_C_2800+ 0_2_1_4_BellBeaker 0_2_1_4_BellBeaker 0_2_1_BellBeaker BellBeaker

I13028.patterson_2021_nature I13028 I13028 Zuid-Holland, Ottoland-Kromme Elleboog Netherlands WesternEurope Netherlands_LNB_BellBeaker 51.874 4.87 patterson_2021_nature NA NA NA 4250ybp Context: Layer date of 2456-2141 calBCE (3820 +- 45 BP, GrN-6384) from another individual in same grave calibrated by IntCal20) XY H1a 2500-2100 BCE R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2 R1b-P312 0.324 3.828 0.997 0.991223846 43983251 1085103 yes 
0_2_1_4_5_C_2800+  0_2_1_4_BellBeaker  0_2_1_4_BellBeaker  0_2_1_BellBeaker BellBeaker

I26830.patterson_2021_nature I26830 I26830 Noord-Holland, Wervershoof-Zwaagdijk Netherlands WesternEurope Netherlands_MBA 52.712 5.15 patterson_2021_nature NA NA NA 3429ybp Direct: IntCal20 XY H3v+16093 1620-1311 calBCE (3210 +- 60 BP, GrA-18886) R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e1 R1b-DF19 0.423 4.605 0.997 0.992622049 43983251 1085103 yes
0_2_1_2_5_1_C_2800+  0_2_1_2_wEuMl  0_2_1_2_wEuMl  0_2_1_BellBeaker

CGG107761.mccoll_230817_ironage CGG107761 CGG107761 Valkenburg Marktveld Netherlands WesternEurope Netherlands_IronAge 52.174446 4.436957 thisPublication NA 2000 1700 1850ybp context XY K1a3a1 NA R1b1a1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e1 R1b-DF19 2.072 2.173 0.999 0.996996999 43983251 1085103 no 
0_2_1_2_5_2_C_2800-  0_2_1_2_wEuMl  0_2_1_2_wEuMl  0_2_1_BellBeaker

CGG019200.mccoll_230707_ironage CGG019200 CGG019200 Illerup_weapon_sacrifice_site Denmark_Jutland NorthernEurope Denmark_IronAge_EarlyRomanBogWar 56.0532 9.93298 thisPublication - 1887 1716 1802ybp direct XY T2b NA R1b1a1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e2 R1b-DF19 4.290 4.695 0.998 0.997153658 43983251 1085103 no 
0_1_3_3_C_2800-  0_1_3_southScan  0_1_3_3_southScanJut  0_1_CordedWareNorth

CGG107763.mccoll_230817_ironage CGG107763 CGG107763 Valkenburg Marktveld Netherlands WesternEurope Netherlands_IronAge 52.174446 4.436957 thisPublication NA 1825 1717 1771ybp direct XY U5a2c1 NA R1b1a1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e1 R1b-DF19 4.468 4.565 0.999 0.997883703 43983251 1085103 no 
0_2_1_2_5_2_C_2800- 0_2_1_2_wEuMl 0_2_1_2_wEuMl 0_2_1_BellBeaker

6DT23.martiniano_2016_natComm 6DT23 6DT23 Driffield Terrace, York England WesternEurope Britain_Roman 53.96 -1.08 martiniano_2016_natComm NA 1900 1600 1750ybp context XY H6a1b2 NA R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e R1b-DF19 0.683 0.731 0.997 0.989061191 43983251 1085103 no 
0_2_1_2_1_C_2800-  0_2_1_2_wEuMl  0_2_1_2_wEuMl  0_2_1_BellBeaker

R31.antonio_2019_science R31 R31 Mausoleo di Augusto Italy SouthernEurope Italy_LateAntiquity 41.91 12.47 antonio_2019_science NA 1618 1531 1575ybp direct XY K1c1 NA R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e R1b-DF19 2.222 2.488 0.999 0.995512659 43983251 1085103 no 
0_1_3_2800- 0_1_3_southScan  0_1_3_southScan  0_1_CordedWareNorth

The following is a typo in the paper.  Either they mean L2 IND003, or DF19 IND002
IND003.gretzinger_2022_nature IND003 2-Apr Alt-Inden_North Rhine-Westphalia Germany WesternEurope Germany_Medieval.1240k 50.846122 6.36 gretzinger_2022_nature NA 1550 1150 1350ybp context XY T2b 400-800 CE R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e2 R1b-DF19 0.230 3.213 0.993 0.973496889 43983251 1085103 yes 
0_1_3_2800-  0_1_3_southScan  0_1_3_southScan  0_1_CordedWareNorth

I17277.gretzinger_2022_nature I17277 H05 17; U/S Hartlepool, Olive Street_Durham England WesternEurope England_Medieval.1240k 54.697647 -1.18 gretzinger_2022_nature NA 1350 1050 1200ybp context XY K2a6 600-900 CE R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e R1b-DF19 0.203 2.443 0.994 0.977680581 43983251 1085103 yes 
0_1_3_2_C_2800-  0_1_3_southScan  0_1_3_2_southScanCEu2  0_1_CordedWareNorth

VK333.margaryan_2020_nature VK333 VK333 Oland Sweden_Baltic NorthernEurope Sweden_VikingAge 56.58 16.46 margaryan_2020_nature NA 1134 996 1065ybp context XY H2a2a1 NA R1b R1b1a1b1a1a2e R1b-DF19 1.339 1.484 0.997 0.990657161 43983251 1085103 no 
0_1_3_2800- 0_1_3_southScan 0_1_3_southScan 0_1_CordedWareNorth

While they left out HID001 and HID002, they did include HID004, who (while U106), isn't too different autosomally.  All four Hiddestorfers are fairly close, and HID004 is the one closest to the Isles side with the rest more Scandinavian, iirc:
HID004.gretzinger_2022_nature HID004 541a:2019 Hiddestorf_Lower Saxony Germany WesternEurope Germany_Medieval.1240k 52.280438 9.71 gretzinger_2022_nature 1599 +- 17 1528 1413 1471ybp direct XY K1a4a1e 422-537 calCE_1599 +- 17_MAMS 52111 R1b R1b1a1b1a1a1 R1b-U106 0.228 2.766 0.995 0.982837812 43983251 1085103 yes 
0_1_3_2800- 0_1_3_southScan 0_1_3_southScan 0_1_CordedWareNorth
Webb, Orentil, JonikW like this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
Note to self, new paper data shows MGS231 is mtDNA U5b1e1

MGS231 650CE? Moedling, Austria; Avar Period; DF19>Z302>FT11655>Z8193 (xFT11655,Z39292)

There is only one other sample with that mtDNA in the Avar paper and it's a female burial, also Mödling: MGS232. 

MGS231 and MGS232 are both in reused graves, but not with each other:
Quote:There are 14 reused graves in Mödling (24+23, 231+239, 233+232, 291+290, 197+180, 258+263, 352+345, 404+403, 417+408, 450+452+459, 227 had only few remains), and three with four individuals (81, 363+365+366+367 and 389). Almost half of them are in the group unrelated or distantly related.

Coincidently, another paper released today "Continental influx and pervasive matrilocality in Iron Age Britain"
has "57 ancient genomes from Durotrigian burial sites and find an extended kin group centred around a single maternal lineage, with unrelated (presumably inward migrating) burials being predominantly male." and that unique mtDNA is U5b1 + 16189 + @16192

U5b1e1 is a subset of U5b1-T16189C!-T16192C!

U5b1e1 modern distribution per FTDNA: 
Finland 45 20.55%
Sweden 38 17.35%
Poland 24 10.96%
Russian Federation 17 7.76%
Germany 15 6.85%
Ukraine 10 4.57%
Lithuania 8 3.65%
Norway 7 3.20%
United States  7 3.20%
England  6 2.74%
Slovakia  6 2.74%
Austria  3 1.37%
Croatia 3 1.37%
Czech Republic  3 1.37%
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JonikW and JMcB like this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106>Z8>Z1) b1584; John Howland (U106>Z8>Z1) b1593; Elizabeth Tilley (Howland) (H1a1 mtDNA) b1607; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635

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