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Haplogroup L2a1l2a
Hello eveyone thank to @miquirumba for post link about mtDNA in Jews
its interesting that the sample COV20126, which dates back 3,600 years, belongs to mtDNA L2a1 and has no ancestry from south of the Sahara
It is also noteworthy that there is a branch of haplogroup L2a below the subgroup L2a1l2a, which is present among Ashkenazi Jews. Remains belonging to this branch were found in Germany, dating back to the 14th century.
Is there a possibility that this sample (COV20126) from Spain represents a rqual subgroup or an ancestor of this subgroup?
This link study sample from Spain
Target: CapsianWGS_scaled
Distance: 1.2510% / 0.01251049
37.2 Iberomaurusian
36.8 Early_European_Farmer
12.8 Early_Levantine_Farmer
8.0 Steppe_Pastoralist
4.8 SSA
0.4 Iran_Neolithic
FTDNA : 91% North Africa +<2% Bedouin + <2  Southern-Levantinfo + <1 Sephardic Jewish + 3% Malta +  3%  Iberian Peninsula
23andME :  100% North Africa

WGS ( Y-DNA and mtDNA)
Y-DNA: E-A30032< A30480 ~1610 CE
mtDNA: V12
last Ajeje G25 ancient

Distance to: Spain_South_BA:COV20126__BC_1682__Cov_8.70%
0.03229298 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Early:ALM018__BC_1875__Cov_25.33%
0.03355158 Spain_Almoloya_Argar:ALM035__BC_1775__Cov_58.11%
0.03649596 Spain_Almoloya_Argar:ALM071__BC_1875__Cov_29.03%
0.03768603 Spain_EBA:I3494__BC_1831__Cov_59.59%
0.03821269 Denmark_N_Sigersdal_Mose_2:NEO753__BC_3583__Cov_unknown
0.03856857 Spain_EBA:I8136__BC_1476__Cov_50.30%
0.03905742 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Early:ALM019_merged__BC_1996__Cov_72.30%
0.03941390 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Late:ALM051__BC_1875__Cov_51.06%
0.03958460 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Late:ALM081__BC_1875__Cov_70.25%
0.03961554 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Early:ALM020__BC_1875__Cov_54.14%

It seem this haplogroup was native iberian during Middle Bronze age, therefore, what Wim said in jewishDNA could be the top of iceberg about ancient iberian L2a lineages

"MB-114: this branch belongs to the L2 haplogroup (L2a1l2a and L2a1l2a1), which was probably south of the Sahara in the period before the Green Sahara. North of the Sahara I found several samples in Maghreb and a few in Iberia. L2a1l is found in an ancient sample near Cordoba (Spain), about 3600ybp. The easiest way to fit these data with history is an Iberian origin of this Jewish mtDNA line, similar as several Iberian Ashkenazi Y-DNA branches, which were found several years ago."
(10-17-2024, 11:06 PM)miquirumba Wrote: last Ajeje G25 ancient

Distance to: Spain_South_BA:COV20126__BC_1682__Cov_8.70%
0.03229298 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Early:ALM018__BC_1875__Cov_25.33%
0.03355158 Spain_Almoloya_Argar:ALM035__BC_1775__Cov_58.11%
0.03649596 Spain_Almoloya_Argar:ALM071__BC_1875__Cov_29.03%
0.03768603 Spain_EBA:I3494__BC_1831__Cov_59.59%
0.03821269 Denmark_N_Sigersdal_Mose_2:NEO753__BC_3583__Cov_unknown
0.03856857 Spain_EBA:I8136__BC_1476__Cov_50.30%
0.03905742 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Early:ALM019_merged__BC_1996__Cov_72.30%
0.03941390 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Late:ALM051__BC_1875__Cov_51.06%
0.03958460 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Late:ALM081__BC_1875__Cov_70.25%
0.03961554 Spain_Almoloya_Argar_Early:ALM020__BC_1875__Cov_54.14%

It seem this haplogroup was native iberian during Middle Bronze age, therefore, what Wim said in jewishDNA could be the top of iceberg about ancient iberian L2a lineages

"MB-114: this branch belongs to the L2 haplogroup (L2a1l2a and L2a1l2a1), which was probably south of the Sahara in the period before the Green Sahara. North of the Sahara I found several samples in Maghreb and a few in Iberia. L2a1l is found in an ancient sample near Cordoba (Spain), about 3600ybp. The easiest way to fit these data with history is an Iberian origin of this Jewish mtDNA line, similar as several Iberian Ashkenazi Y-DNA branches, which were found several years ago."
I was created Maps about migration this subclade
Target: CapsianWGS_scaled
Distance: 1.2510% / 0.01251049
37.2 Iberomaurusian
36.8 Early_European_Farmer
12.8 Early_Levantine_Farmer
8.0 Steppe_Pastoralist
4.8 SSA
0.4 Iran_Neolithic
FTDNA : 91% North Africa +<2% Bedouin + <2  Southern-Levantinfo + <1 Sephardic Jewish + 3% Malta +  3%  Iberian Peninsula
23andME :  100% North Africa

WGS ( Y-DNA and mtDNA)
Y-DNA: E-A30032< A30480 ~1610 CE
mtDNA: V12

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